The Btc Reserve was started by owner Herb G operating as a one-man show. He started off selling t-shirts and hats, adding more products over time. Before the btc reserve, Herb G was an herbalist, hence the name, and created a business to aid people in better health. However, Herb always had a passion for money. The good side and the bad side and always wanted to expose the latter but never believed he knew enough to back any claims. After an inexcusable situation at a bank, Herb knew there had to be an alternative to the corrupt, broken, unreliable, failing system we call banking. Since then, Herb had always been looking for a way to get his money out of a bank and rely on a better way of exchange. Crypto was never in his sight at first, he couldn’t imagine it ever being something of use. It was too volatile, too complicated, too risky of a currency to be taken seriously. Then, after watching a video where Simon Dixon claimed “when you put your money in a bank, the bank becomes the legal owner of your money”, everything started to click. Simon was an advocate of Bitcoin, so Herb dug a little deeper into the crypto world in order to see what the industry was all about. From that moment on, Herb realized the meaning of Bitcoin and the way he saw “money” changed. After that, Herb changed his business into a bitcoin business and has been building it ever since.

Herb g